Octahedron – Initiation path geometric forms

The programmed and activated Elohim Octahedron has eight sides, like two pyramids with their bottoms together. It guides you towards a feeling of Oneness. It helps you to control and quiet your mind. You are less withdrawn and controlling and you stop distrusting the motives and thoughts of others who are different. It starts to set up structures that help you to control and quieten your thoughts, feelings and emotions. It purifies your base chakra and belly chakra, resulting in living more from your body and flow than from your mind.

Do you recognize the following feelings?

  • Do you want to feel one with the All? Connect to your joyous inner child again?
  • Problems with trusting others?
  • Do you want to integrate higher powers in your daily life?
  • You get tired from to many thoughts? Problems in your base- and belly chakra?

Elohim chakra garden and geometric form in quartz will bring the following:

The Elohim Octahedron opens up your kundalini channel and light bodies to your full potential. You can ‘step down’, be humble instead of arrogant and take into account the opinions of others as well as your own. It helps you to stop judging, to become purer in your thoughts and to live from higher spiritual insight, overview and inspiration. It helps you to ground this in your daily life. The pain and me-focus in your heart is purified so that your pure Divine heart can become one with your (solar plexus) attitude, actions, thoughts, feelings and behaviour. It activates the Pillar of Light in you and connects you with the nature spirits, their Kingdoms, the Anastasia and Merlin-consciousness and all of the higher dimensions.The Octahedron reconnects your separated painful inner child with the joyous, magical child that is serving your true Self, gifts and Mastery. It helps you speak with clarity and inspiration, and opens the 8th chakra above your crown. The Octahedron helps to purify your star lives, light bodies, and your collective karma. It activates your higher Knowledge and grounds it deep within your body. It opens your 6-9 dimensional star gates, parallel lives, other realities and time lines, expanding your consciousness to the extent that you become forgetful, arrive on the wrong day, stub your toe or get an insect bite until you are able to stabilize in your subtle true self grounding and God core. The Octahedron guides you to your awakened, realized state and helps you to make a mind-shift. You rely more on the feeling in your lower abdomen to guide you and you anchor the higher dimensions of your soul and light bodies into your behaviour and body. You become less self-oriented and less inclined to live from your mind, will, emotions and personality. You connect with the whole. The Octahedron expands your 12-fold consciousness, releasing your enlightened inner child and bringing a higher alignment with the we-feeling.  It activates the 4 initiation paths within you and works with the 12 masters of your Essence.

The Octahedron is also the Merkivah, which is placed in your aura during the Elohim Workshop “Cosmic Fire” (see folder in the hallway of the crystal shop). The Merkivah is the consciousness-vehicle of your light bodies and Divine Spark. It helps you to incorporate the divine signals into your everyday (soul) life. The octahedron helps you to live from the integrity of your crystalline self, to bring heaven on Earth and find your life path and soul’s destiny. Those that embody this state of Being and knowledge into their base chakra can become a healer and teacher on the level of Self-realisation. (The state of enlightenment and God-realisation has not yet been reached).

Want to empower this energy at home?

The Elohim products are activated with the energy of the universal heart, unconditional love, Oneness, the heart of Mother Earth to bring multi-dimensional qualities for your healing journey. The products encourage you to take the next step on your path, bringing you exactly what you need. They wake what needs to be awakened. Everything is done in divine timing, through free will, love and inspiration.